President |
Prof. Dr. Andreja Rajkovic |
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Vice-President |
Zhejiang A&F University China |
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Secretary | Dr. Sara Bover i Cid Institute for Food Research and Technology Spain E-mail: sara.bovercid@irta.cat |
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Treasurer |
Prof. Dr. Vasilis Valdramidis |
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Directors | ||
Prof. Dr. Luca Cocolin University of Turin Italy E-mail: lucasimone.cocolin@unito.it |
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Prof. Dr. Bernadette Franco University of São Paulo Brazil E-mail: bfranco@usp.br |
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Prof. Dr. Jesca Nakavuma Makerere University Uganda E-mail: JLNakavuma@covab.mak.ac.ug |
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Prof. Dr. emeritus Peter Raspor University of Ljubljana Slovenia E-mail: peter.raspor@guest.arnes.si |
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Prof. Dr. Tom Ross University of Tasmania Australia E-mail: Tom.Ross@utas.edu.au |
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ex-President | Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Holzapfel Handong Global University South Korea E-mail: wilhelm@woodapple.net |
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ex-Honorary President | Prof. Dr. Mogens Jakobsen University of Copenhagen Denmark E-mail: moj@food.ku.dk |
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ex-Vice-President | Prof. Dr. Larry R. Beuchat University of Georgia USA E-mail: lbeuchat@uga.edu |
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ex- Treasurer | Dr. Janet E.L. Corry UK E-mail: jelcorry@gmail.com |
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Tibor Deák (1935–2013) |
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Professor Emeritus Dr. Tibor Deák microbiologist from Budapest, awarded by honorary doctorate from his Alma Mater, the University of Szeged, by Pro Facultate award from the University of Food Technology and Horticulture, by a Széchenyi Professorial Fellowship, and with the Knight Cross of the Republic of Hungary contributed to the area of food microbiology over 350 peer-reviewed publications, books, and chapters beside teaching in Hungary and abroad. He was an outstanding educator and internationally renowned food microbiologist, particularly as a specialist in yeast taxonomy, identification, and ecology. He earned his Ph.D. on The Microbiology of Lactic Acid Fermentation at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest in 1963. In 1967, he started at Department of Food Technology at the University of Food Technology and Horticulture in Budapest (currently Corvinus University of Budapest) where he worked 46 years. In 1974, he became the head of the new Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, later Dean of the School of Food Technology at the University of Food Technology and Horticulture, and finally its chancellor. He established National Collection of Industrial and Agricultural Microorganisms. Within ICFMH, he was Vice President and one of establishers the International Journal of Food Microbiology (IJFM) and very active persons until 2010. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 164 (2–3): 173, 2013. |
Professor Dr. Niels Skovgaard (1924-2012) |
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Doctor in Veterinary Medicine (DVM), throughout his career he has directly served governments in several countries (Denmark and Nordic countries, Israel, Turkey, Iran and Jordan). Numerous organisations, committees and boards in the public and private sector valued highly and made use of his deep insight and broad knowledge. He volunteered in various round table discussions and was a scientific advisor for projects under the European Commission, Council of Europe Public Health Committee, International Dairy Federation (IDF), FAO/WHO, ISO, World Association of Veterinary Food- Hygienists, to mention but some. His commitment was never questioned and he was always well prepared and ready to contribute with his immense knowledge and solid understanding of food microbiology. As Professor in FoodMicrobiology and Hygiene for more than 30 years he was a highly dedicated and inspiring teacher in food microbiology for veterinary and food science students. Niels acquired and maintained during his entire professional career, an immense knowledge of microbial food safety. His enthusiasm did not weaken in any way during his long life “post retirement”. A particular and valuable activity for Niels was his involvement in the ICFMH since the early days following its inauguration in 1953. Niels served as ICFMH Secretary General from 1968 to 1989, as President from 1989 to 1996 and as Honorary President since 1996. He was co-founder of the International Journal of Food Microbiology (IJFM), launched in 1984 during his term as Secretary General. We will remember Niels as a reliable, faithful, trustworthy and loyal colleague and friend, inclined towards long lasting personal relationships. He was helpful in every sense, predictable in his social life and personal interactions, knowledgeable not only professionally. With his dry sense of humour he continued to see the funny sides of life. He will also be remembered for his rare ability to brilliantly summarise key issues and bring them down to an essential “minimum,” thus, “using a few words with a strong impact.” These examples of a dear friend, colleague and highly esteemed scientist will remain in our memories, and will serve to inspire us and the upcoming younger generation of food microbiologists International Journal of Food Microbiology, 157(3): 398-399, 2012. |
Prof. David A.A. Mossel (1918-2004) |
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Prof. David Mossel was a founder member in 1953 of the International Committee for Food Microbiology and Hygiene (ICFMH). He devoted his life to improving the safety and keeping quality of food worldwide. His exceptional linguistic ability (he spoke English, French, German, Spanish and Italian, as well as his native Dutch), charm and skill as a teacher were huge assets in this task. In addition to his teaching, he published over 300 research papers and about 10 food microbiology textbooks. His overall theme can be summarised as “prevention of foodborne microbial diseases, and development of methods for validation and verification of the efficacy of inversion technologies”. The ICFMH was an organisation of particular importance to David, who was president for many years, until 1994, and then Honorary Vice President until his death. It was on his initiative that the International Journal of Food Microbiology was launched in 1984, and it has since become a highly successful and truly international journal. ICFMH sponsors international food microbiology symposia biennially. The latest, Food Micro 2004, was held in Slovenia last September, and David was due to attend. Fortunately, David did contribute in his unforgettable and unique style to a very important and successful ICFMH Workshop: Food Safety in Africa in December 2003 in Stellebosch, South Africa, attended by food microbiologist from 22 African countries. Besides ICFMH, David was also involved in the founding of the International Commissions for Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF) in 1962 and a member until he resigned in 1975. David's imposing presence (he was well over 6 ft tall) will be much missed, not only by his wife, Helen, his five children and eight grandchildren, but also by the whole international food microbiology community. There is no doubt that he will long be remembered with affection, and that his message and work will live on after him. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 105(2): 275-277, 2005. |