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Food Micro

Gradually, and partly spontaneously, the initially small ICFMH symposia and expert meetings developed into the international biennial “FOODMICRO” Conference, with attendance of around 600 participants from around the world. By this development, the ICFMH and the national organisers of these conferences have kept current in addressing increasing challenges and complexity posed by diverse aspects of Food Microbiology, ranging from international and local/regional issues in Food Safety and Food Hygiene to Food Biotechnology, and to the application of Molecular Approaches in all aspects of modern Food Microbiology.

Below, a list of the past ICFMH Symposia and Conferences provide an overview of their history and the various and diverse topics that have been addressed over a period of more than 50 years.

The call for organizing the 28th International ICFMH Conference, FoodMicro 2026 is open (deadline 30th of June 2023). Find below our guidelines to submit your preliminary proposal.



Bids to organise a FoodMicro Conference should be made in writing to the ICFMH Executive Board, through the Secretary ( A formal expression of interest in the form of a short communication about the willingness to organise a FoodMicro Conference should be sent.

Note that the organisation activity must be conducted in connection with the National Microbiological Society belonging to IUMS. The representative National Delegate, if nominated, shall be contacted and involved.

preliminary proposal will be requested, which should provide general information on:

  • the formation and convening of an organising committee;
  • tentative title; 
  • major topics to be addressed;
  • possible venue and dates;
  • a first (preliminary) budget showing an estimate of expected costs;
  • possibilities for reduced registration fees and low-cost accommodation for students and scientists from developing countries; potential sponsors.

The formal preliminary proposal must be sent to the ICFMH Executive Board, through the Secretary, for its evaluation. After a preliminary approval, bidders will be asked to submit a comprehensive full-proposal. The guidelines to write the full-proposal and the criteria used to evaluate it will be sent to the bidders after the approval of the submitted preliminary proposal.


Symposia / conferences organised

1954 Lille/France Semi-preserved meat products
1957 Cambridge/UK Microbial processes in meat and fish curing brines
1960 Evian/France Bottled non-alcoholic beverages
1964 Gothenburg/Sweden Microbial inhibitors to be used in foods
1967 Moscow/USSR Botulism
1968 Bilthoven/The Netherlands Dried Foods
1970 Prague/CSSR Semi-preserved foods
1970 Mexico City/Mexico Restoration of sublethally injured populations in food
1972 Reading/UK Microbiological safety of Foods
1974 Kiel/Germany Accelerated and facilitated methods
1977 Stettin/Poland Ecology, pathogens/index organisms
1978 München/Germany Microbial associations and metabolism
1981 Aalborg/Denmark Psychrotrophic pathogens and agents of spoilage
1983 Budapest/Hungary Associations and Interactions
1987 Halkidiki/Greece Microbial toxins / Drinking water
1990 Bolkesjö/Norway Gram-negative pathogens
1993 Bingen/Germany Novel approaches towards food safety assurance
1996 Budapest/Hungary Technology, Safety, Stability
1999 Veldhoven/The Netherlands Food Microbiology and Food safety in to the next Millennium
2002 Lillehammer/Norway Friends and Foes
2004 Ljubljana/Slovenia New tools for improvement microbial food safety and quality; biotechnology and molecular biology approaches
2006 Bologna/Italy Food Safety and Food Biotechnology. Diversity and global impact
2008 Aberdeen/Scotland Evolving microbial food safety and quality
2010 Copenhagen/Denmark Microbial behaviour in the food chain
2012 Istanbul/Turkey Global issues in food microbiology
2014 Nantes/France From single cells to functions of consortia in food microbiology
2016 Dublin/Ireland One health meets food microbiology
2018 Berlin/Germany Biodiversity of foodborne microbes
2022 Athens/Greece Next generations challenges in food microbiology
2024 Burgos/Spain Technological evolution and revolution in food microbiology

Highlighted content

Foodborne Bacterial Toxins International Symposium (FBTIS)

Foodborne Bacterial Toxins International Symposium (FBTIS)

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