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28th to 31st of August, 2022

The 27th International ICFMH Conference, FoodMicro 2022, took place in Athens, Greece. Excellent program, great participation, high-end lectures, presentations, and numerous young and established researchers met at FoodMicro | Next Generation Challenges in Food Microbiology (

FoodMicro Travel Grants have been replaced by registration waivers for virtual participation for young scientists from developing countries this year. In this way FoodMicro2022 welcomed:

Total Attendees: 546

Physical: 396

Virtual: 150

Physical attendance

Regular: 234

Students: 138

Developing countries 2

Exhibitors, keynotes, board members and LOC: 22

Virtual attendance:

ICFMF granteest: 16



Board members, committee, keynotes: 4 

This FoodMicro was also a very special one. New president, Prof. dr. Andreja Rajkovic took over the steering wheel from Prof. dr. Wilhelm Holzapfel. The new presidium is now made of Andreja Rajkovic, Weihuan Fang, Vasilis Valdramidis and Sara Bover i Cid.

Andreja Rajkovic

Wilhelm Holzapfel

Thank you Wilhelm, Janet, Larry and Mogens

Highlighted content

Foodborne Bacterial Toxins International Symposium (FBTIS)

Foodborne Bacterial Toxins International Symposium (FBTIS)

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